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Almond Macaroons

Almonds are revered in Ayurveda. They are considered alkaline, rejuvenating and and feed the brain with vitamin B6 which is known to repair brain cells.

Pitta Dosha predominant people should have only soaked, peeled almonds as the skin can increase the heat in the body. Almonds also pacify Vata dosha because of their warming and sweet qualities. People with Kapha dosha should minimise all nuts as they can build body mass.

Serves 5


1/2 cup Almond Flour (125 gms.)

1/2 cup Coconut Sugar (or raw sugar)

1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 Egg White

1/4 cup Slivered Almonds


Beat the egg white until stiff peaks are formed. Add vanilla extract. Mix the sugar with the almond meal and gently fold the egg white until a think paste is formed.

Heat the oven to 160C or 325F. With a small tsp. take the almond egg mixture and drop at a distance on the baking tray. Add a couple of slivered almonds on top of each cookie ball.The mixture spreads a bit as it cooks. Bake for 12 - 13 minutes until the bottom turns golden brown. This makes about 20 cookies.